Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Whiskey and Rock and Roll

The last few days in Chicago have been real good. Monday night was the Templeton Rye event at the Chicago Historical Building. A few of the guys in our crew did double duty. First they played the roles of police men, then attended the party with the rest of us.

They were great as police men, uncanny. The night consisted of Templeton Rye whiskey, lots of it. Flowing like water. Good times kids. I think.

Later in the evening, the band played a song for the people in attendance. Since they did an acoustic version of the song, Ross slid on over to the piano for a cool version of Templeton Rye. Sorry folks, I didn’t record this one.

Tuesday was back to work. But not before we all spent a nice day in downtown Chicago shopping, and eating, and walking, and shopping, and drinking coffee, and shopping…. Our show, which was part of the launch of Templeton Rye in Chicago, was a fun one.

Thanks to all of you who made it out on a Tuesday night. Such a great crowd, especially for a weekday! It has been a long time since we have done a show with Hello Dave, and we had a great time. Such a great time in fact that we are going to do some more shows with them later this year.

For more photos from our party on Monday night, click here...

Templeton Rye Launch party in Chicago.

I suppose that is it for now. Tune in next time for another episode of info that is fun to read, AND helps you procrastinate at work!!!…

Monday, August 20, 2007

A day off...

What to do with a day off in Chicago? Well, a suburb of Chicago. Why not head into Chicago, to visit your friends that live in Chicago!!!
But first, we needed to grab a bite to eat. We agreed on Thai food, but naturally all the Thai restaurants we found were closed on Sunday afternoon. So we found the second best option. The ol’ Slotts N Hots. Apparently unless it’s in Chicago proper, it still says “Chicago Style”. Wierd. But it was in fact delicious!
Then we headed into the city to visit our good buddy, and label mate, Dick Prall. He gave us an advanced listen to his new album, due out very soon. Wow! We loved it! Lindsey described it as “haunting, dark in it’s own way”. You decide for yourself, when it comes out next month. We think you will love it too. After the listening party we headed out to dinner with Dick. Followed by, what else, cocktails! Good times.
Today it’s (not really) back to work. We started out at the hotel parking lot for a little bus TLC. We cleaned it, repaired it, made it nice again. That happens about twice a year, so needless to say, it was a pretty big deal. I mean, a new captains chair? Magical!!!
Tonight is a Temp Rye event. What else is there to say about that really? A whiskey event attended by band, and crew, who all happen to love said whiskey??!!??? Lovely.
More soon….

The Nadas

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The road is (sometimes) hard

Well kids. The last day and a half have been fun, at times frustrating, but never boring. Yesterday we started off in Des Moines, heading for Chicago. We made it to town all right. But when we got into town the fun started. We almost got a new, unwanted, sunroof on the bus by cramming it under a very low bridge! Luckily, we noticed it in time, and managed to back out and head down a safer street. Not without angering some of the local commuters first though.
A few of the people in our group, who were following in the van (long story, we have way to many vehicles this week), got lost and ended up watching the van to make sure it didn't get towed, while the others went to visit Steve Dahl and his crew at the radio station. That was a good time for those of us who made it. We hung out with our friends at the show, ate Taco Bell that they brought us, and listened while Jason and Mike performed a few songs. Scott Bush from Templen Rye was also along, and chatted about the Templeon Rye events going on in Chicago this coming week. Here is the pic we snapped before we took off.

This morning we woke up all together to early to head back to Chicago from Fontana, WI where we played at Chuck's Lakeshore Inn last night. We almost made it safe and sound to the club where we are playing tonight, but one blown trailer tire had something to say about that! So I pulled the bus over to the side of the road, and went to help Tyler change the tire. After a few bug bites, lots of complaining about my lack of food and sleep, and the time of day (morning actually) it was, we got the spare tire on the trailer. As soon as I hopped back into the bus to take off, Ian flagged me down to let me know that something just wasn't right. Long story short... we changed the tire a few more times, broke/ stripped a few lugs and lug nuts, and eventually got a new tire. We made it to the club on time, minus the nap and shower we had all been counting on of course. So I now sit here in our hotel room, writing this while fighting to keep me eyes open long enough to do so. I shall now sleep, but wanted to let you in on the latest adventures. There is also a pic of our bad luck below, mid repair.

Stay tuned for more pics, and info, from our long weekend in the city. Until then...

Luke and The Nadas

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


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