Thursday, February 23, 2006

The thrill of victory . . . . the agony of defeat.

Congratulations to K.Larson who down loaded the 985,200,000th song off of the Itunes music store and just so happened to download our song "Where I'm Going". That's the victory.

The agony of defeat. . . . .

We have just been informed that the JODY RAFFOUL BAND is the winner of the Bon Jovi, Have a nice gig competition. It was a thrill to have taken part in this competition and we are thankful to have made it as far as we did. We a great debt of gratitude to you, our fans for voting us into the final 4 beating out bands from much bigger markets. We are very fortunate to have such loyal and pasionate fans. We do not take you for granted. Thanks to Star 102.5 for lauching this for us and to XM Radio for taking it a step further. But alas, the ride is over . . . it is time to get back to being your normal everyday rock band.

Thank you,

The Nadas from here on out known as the band who once opened for Bon Jovi.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Days gone by. . . . .

I know I have done a terrible job of keeping up the posting on here. The fact is, I still have not recovered from the rolling circus that was last weeks first ever Authentic Records visit to K.C. and Colorado. It was like a 3 day summer camp. The Josh Davis Band, The Nadas, and Towncrier all packed into the JDB and TC vans and took the show on the road.It was a clown car band van. We have a few more years on those guys, which makes us seasoned veterans who can handle anything, but we are also used to the creature comforts of our beloved Meatloaf, which is out of commission indefinitely,

and the warm security blanket that you achieve by traveling with the same people for hundreds of days a year for years and years. That said . . . . I would do it again in a hearbeat! I can;t wait to do more and more shows with those guys. The have so much going for them and our fans (you guys) are embracing them with open arms.

You know the feeling you get when you first hear of a band or songwriter and you can't help but want to tell you friends, and burn them copies (knowing they will buy their own copy if they like it). You slyly try to make sure it is playing the right song in your car when you pick someone up. . . . or you turn your ipod up at work hoping a co-worker will ask you who it is. That's how I feel about the artists who are putting there records out on Authentic Records multiplied by a thousand. It is a whole other thing to be able to introduce them to you live. To see the faces light up of friends and fans who have listened to us for years and watching you get excited about our labelmates.

Help us spread the word!

Authentic Records