Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nada Silent Night 4

Just wanted to inform anyone who has been hiding under a rock for the last few weeks, and remind everyone else, about this Friday night's fourth annual Nada Silent Night. It is going to be a great show with performances by The Nadas, Towncrier, The Tyler Thompson Band, Josh Davis, Dick Prall, Andy Fleming, and others. You will not be disappointed. There will also be a silent auction during the show, with 100% of the proceeds benefitting the Food Bank of Iowa. It's going to be a great night of music, and some great causes will benifit as well. We hope to see you all there.

Click on the image below to purchase tickets, and don't forget to bring a toy for the US Marine Corp's Toys for Tots!

See you Friday!!
The Nadas

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween in Hollywood

Unlike our day off in Reno, we partied properly on Halloween in Los Angeles. Upon being invited to a few parties, we set out looking for costumes. One party was a "dead celebrity" theme, so we put our heads together to think of a costume for each of us. Where else but Hollywood will you see Buddy Holly, Ernest Hemmingway, Sid Vicious, Hunter S. Tompson, Waylon Jennings, Marc Bolan, and Dorothy from the wizard of Oz hanging out together? So with our costumes all figured out, we needed a way to get from party to party, because the tour bus was just not a prefered means of transportation rolling around Hollywood. But on a Saturday night the bus wasn't even an option. We figured a stretched Hummer would work. One quick stop at the hotel conceirge and our ride was taken care of.
When the big, white, not much smaller than the bus but at least it comes with its own driver, limo finally arrived 15 minutes late, we all piled in. Once we got the driver heading in the right direction we popped the cork on a fresh bottle of Templeton Rye and got our evening started. One cocktail and a few 8 point turns later we made it to our first destination. A brand new club that proved to be a great place to start the night off.
To sum up the rest of the night, we hopped in and out of the limo a handful of times, drank a whole bottle of Templeton Rye, and made new friends along the way. It was definately a night to remember, if only we could remember more of it. We did have a good time, and also learned that in Hollywood on Halloween it's skin to win, the shorter the better. I say we make Halloween a monthly thing for now on, and every month we tour out there to party like we are rich and famous.