Mountain Men Part 1ish.

Hello everyone, Luke here from the bus somewhere in Wyoming. Before I get to the current tour, let me remind you all about The Nadas cruise. There are a minimum number of cabins on the ship we have to fill to ensure the cruise happens. We are nearly there, so if you are thinking about going, now is the time to get your tickets. And if you need any incentive, just think about how cold it has been lately. Then remember that isn’t even close to what it will be like in February. Pickin up what I’m throwin down? See you in Florida! For more info check out the web site
We are excited to show you all the new look of our bus! The makers of our beloved Templeton Rye decided to help support us on this tour, and with that support comes this bus exterior makeover. We are real happy with how it turned out, as well as the bottles of Templeton Rye they gave us for the tour. Check out to find out about our favorite moonshine.
Now to the tour! So far things have been great. The fans have been coming out, even on work/ school nights, to rock and party. We are having a good time everywhere we go, but last night at The Little Bear was extra special, and will be hard to beat. The crowd was rowdier than ever, prompted perhaps by The Nadas rocking like it was their last show ever. Or could it be because of a new version of one of their songs, re-created on this tour, and revealed for the first time last night………what??????? Be sure to keep an ear out for that at future shows.
We have stopped to do a few radio interviews along the way as well, including one this afternoon with Don Woods for Wyoming public radio. They played a few songs, and Jason told everyone his story about riding RAGBRAI in a way that doesn’t quite make sense.
Yesterday afternoon was a bit of a free for all, with everyone kind of doing their own thing. Justin and I spent our whole day fixing a bus. “But Luke, I thought you guys got your bus all fixed and it runs good now?” Yes, you are right. But Regina Spektor and her band happened to be staying at the same hotel as us in Denver. When they loaded up in their bus to head to the gig, it wouldn’t start. So Justin, being the veteran bus mechanic that he is, started helping their driver figure out the problem. Unable to get it going in time, we sent our bus to the rescue. We unloaded our luggage, put their gear in its place, and shuttled them to the venue so they could make it in time for sound check. The rest of our day was spent trouble shooting battery issues to get their bus up and running. Since Justin and I are both Regina Spektor fans, we took this opportunity to get a quick pic with her before she left for her show. After all the rocky experiences with our bus this year,
Meatloaf saved the day! And while that shiny, much newer bus sat unable to even start, we felt like a proud parent on the first day of school.
You can bet that there will be more stories, surprises, and pictures on the way. We will be sure to pass the best ones along to you all. Be sure to come out and see us when you can for some rock and roll. The rest of our week looks like this:
Wed. Oct 25th The Elbo Room -San Francisco, CA
Thurs. Oct 26th - Bogey's - Sunnyvale, CA (early show)
Fri. Oct. 27th Molly Malone’s-Los Angeles, CA
Sun. Oct 29th The Rhythm Room-Phoenix, AZ
That’s it for now, I am going to get back to watching funny things and listening to the new Towncrier with Jon. Hope to see you all soon.
Love and lots of good bus karma,
The Nadas
QOTW: Do you have a favorite Nadas show ever?
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