A new year poem . . . . by Mike Butterworth

Twas New Years Day and all through the bus, not a creature was stirring except one of us
I in my PJ’s all snuggly and groovy, had just settled in the back lounge to watch a dumb movie
When all of the sudden there arose such a clatter, I sprung from the couch to see what was the matter
Away to the front lounge I flew like a bee
“This could be the big one” Jon Locker told me
The sun dimly shone through the clouds in the sky
We were broke down in Nebraska so barren and dry
And what to my nervous darting eyes should appear?
Absolutely nothing, the middle of nowhere
With a bit of shock and a feeling of glum
We fought through bad cell service to find a ride home
After 14 plus hours waiting there on that road
A twinkle appeared through the new fallen snow
What to my now hopeful eyes now should appear?
Wendy and Dallas, Heroes of the year
So on Jason on Mike, Travis, Jon and Justin
On Mandy and Lindsey our move we be bustin’
So my eyes how they twinkled, My smile so merry
Even though the ride home was freezing and hairy
Still you could hear on I80 as I yelled through the clear,
Thanks to you all for ’05 and a Happy New Year.
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