Well that was an eventful evening:

We headed to the lower east side again last night. Wil found out his friend Randy Kaplan was playing in the same joint we hung out last night. In the subway on the way there we were treated to a little person Michael Jackson impersonator. I don’t actually know if the PC term for a little person is little person so my apologies to anyone I offended. After five minutes of stretching and checking his make-up he ripped out every dance move MJ has ever done. It was H.O.T. After another transfer or two we came across a band I knew was the real deal after hearing only one song. Check out Susan Cagle at www.susancagle.com Speaking of the real deal, Scrap-O-Matic was the headliner at the Living Room. HOLY COWHIDES! . . I love it when I go somewhere to see music not knowing or expecting anything and get totally blown away. P.S. Thanks to the nice lady from Russia in town for three Rob Thomas shows (?) for sharing her table with us. We weren’t quite ready to head home after Scraps (that’s what I call Scrap-O-Matic now that I feel we are buds) we followed a hot tip on a cool late night acoustic club. The place almost lived up to the hype. It was: 1. cool 2. Late night 3.a club. There weren’t acoustic performers but there were performers. It ended up being a hybrid comedy club/burlesque show. I laughed, I blushed, I took a cab home.

We headed to the lower east side again last night. Wil found out his friend Randy Kaplan was playing in the same joint we hung out last night. In the subway on the way there we were treated to a little person Michael Jackson impersonator. I don’t actually know if the PC term for a little person is little person so my apologies to anyone I offended. After five minutes of stretching and checking his make-up he ripped out every dance move MJ has ever done. It was H.O.T. After another transfer or two we came across a band I knew was the real deal after hearing only one song. Check out Susan Cagle at www.susancagle.com Speaking of the real deal, Scrap-O-Matic was the headliner at the Living Room. HOLY COWHIDES! . . I love it when I go somewhere to see music not knowing or expecting anything and get totally blown away. P.S. Thanks to the nice lady from Russia in town for three Rob Thomas shows (?) for sharing her table with us. We weren’t quite ready to head home after Scraps (that’s what I call Scrap-O-Matic now that I feel we are buds) we followed a hot tip on a cool late night acoustic club. The place almost lived up to the hype. It was: 1. cool 2. Late night 3.a club. There weren’t acoustic performers but there were performers. It ended up being a hybrid comedy club/burlesque show. I laughed, I blushed, I took a cab home.
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