Pacific Coast Radio. . . . Stranded.

KUSP radio. What an awesome station! You can tune in anytime at It sounds like they may be adding Listen Through The Static to regular rotation. Anyway . . . We arrived right on time delivered by a wild drug crazed cabbie. We were welcomed into the studio and immediately began to set up. Wil spotted an old wurlitzer spindle piano. He asked if he could play it and we started dragging it through the hallways and into the studio. There was a great vibe in the room, a fun performance, and a great interview from someone who seemed genuinely interested in our band. After the interview Mike, Wil and I walked down to the beach and had some fish tacos. Then we sat at a bus stop and waited for a ride downtown. The bus never came. A generous bystander relayed that there was a bus strike and we could be waiting a while, so we called our wacky cab driver. He said "sorry man I am way our of town and have another pick up scheduled. Can you dig?" So we were stranded. Directly across the street from a hair salon called Stranded. We contemplated walking the 4-5 miles to downtown but instead decided to try and catch a ride. I asked a passing bicyclist if there were laws against hitchhiking in Santa Cruz. She informed me that it was indeed illegal to hitchhike. If you were standing in the street with your thumb out that was considered hitching and would be prosecuted by Santa cruzes finest. However if you were standing on the sidewalk, that was considered thumbing a ride and that was perfectly acceptable. So we stood on the sidewalk and thumbed a ride from a very nice woman in a minivan. We had a door to door ride within minutes of our request. Thank you lady from santa cruz.
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